Even though Contact Editor has a very friendly UI, in this post we will explain about it’s format, menu and options, so you can use Contact Editor in the most convenient and time effective way.
Let’s start!
Contact Editor Menu
Below is the screenshot of Contact Editor after you log into your account.
[Your contacts’ information is displayed in a spreadsheet format]
The blue menu bar on the top of the screen contains the main labels of the menu.
It’s where all essential functions can be applied to the contacts by clicking on the desired label and choosing a function from a drop-down menu as shown in the picture below.
Next to the menu labels is a search box. Search box will find the contacts you need by displaying only the content that matches the terms you entered.
You can see the example of looking up certain terms shown below.
[Contact Editor Search Box option]
If you click the eye icon on the left side of the search box, you can reset the search filter and all your contacts will be displayed again.
In the right corner of the Contact Editor screen, there is a Language option - where you can choose the language you prefer; and Account option - where you log in/out of your account or proceed to the payment page.
[Language option]
[Account option]
Under the blue menu bar, there is a Toolbar that displays the shortcuts to the most commonly used functions for easy access.
[Contact Editor Toolbar]
When you hover with a mouse over each function, the function name will appear like in the picture below.
Under the menu bar and toolbar, all of your contacts are displayed in a spreadsheet format.
You can select the contact by clicking on it with your mouse, or by clicking and dragging to select multiple contacts.
Editing options
Contact Editor displays all your Google contacts in a spreadsheet format and separates them into cells and fields. You can configure what fields you want to be shown by choosing Configuration from the Menu labels or clicking on the Configuration icon in the toolbar and checking the desired fields.
[Configuring the fields in Contact Editor]
When you right click on any contact, the following window will appear.
You can choose the option from that window or choose a function shortcut from the Toolbar.
Let’s break down the 16 offered editing options:
1. Undo - Cancel the previous action
2. Redo - Redo the undone action
3. Cut - Cut selected contact / field / text etc. which will save it to the clipboard
4. Copy - Copy selected contact / field / text etc. which will save it to the clipboard
5. Paste - Paste the content previously saved in the clipboard.
6. Add contact - Create a new empty row where you can enter the information of your new contact
7. Delete contact - Remove the selected contact from your contact list
8. Change text:
[Change text option window]
- Make all letters upper case
- Make all letters lower case
- Capitalize only the first letter in the contact cell content
9. Edit text:
[Edit text option window]
- You can add a specific text in front or in the back of the cell content
- You can decide the number of characters in the front or back of the text that you want to keep in the contact content, which will remove the remaining characters
- You can decide the number of characters from the front/back of the contact cell content that will be removed
10. Change group - Change/assign a group to the selected contact
11. Combine all - Merge all your desired cells into one, simply check the fields which you want to merge like in the picture below
[Combine all option window]
12. Automatic phone number format setting - Assign a country dial code to your international contacts and set up automatic phone number format you prefer.
[Automatic phone number format setting window]
13. Change item location - This switches the place of two selected cells
14. Add a bookmark - Add a bookmark to easily find the contact later. All bookmarked contacts can be viewed separately by going to the Menu → View → View bookmarks.
15. Delete a bookmark - Simply remove the bookmark from any contact you previously marked
16. See details - You can see all the details of the selected contact in one single window.
[See details option window]
Now when we covered all the basics, you are all set to start using Contact Editor as much as you like!
Edit, modify, arrange and organize your entire address book with Contact Editor.
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