Install Contact Editor on G Suite

Contact Editor is now available on G Suite!

Contact Editor, a tool for organizing and managing your phone contacts, can make your phone contact list, and your life, more organized. For people in the business world, as the number of contacts keeps increasing, a good contact manager becomes a necessity.

And Contact Editor is now making its way to G Suite users!

G Suite is a SaaS suite comprising a collection of cloud-based productivity apps and tools for businesses, educational institutions, financial services, healthcare, retail etc. The data from last year show that 5 million businesses from around the world have signed up for G Suite and are streamlining their business using this service.

I-ON recently rolled out the G Suite version of Contact Editor on G Suite Marketplace, and in this post, we will guide you through the installation process.

Install G Suite productivity app Contact Editor

1. Access G Suite Marketplace on

2. Type “Contact Editor” in the search box and click on Contact Editor for Google contacts from the search results
[“Contact Editor” search result]

3. Click on “Install” 
[Contact Editor page on G Suite Marketplace]

4. A popup window will appear. Agree to the Contact Editor Terms of Service and Privacy Policy by clicking on "Continueto proceed with the installation.
[Permission request]

5. Sign into your Google account
[Sign in popup window]

6.  Allow Contact Editor the access to your contacts and then confirm your choice by clicking on “Allow”
[Access request]

7. Run Contact Editor - Contact Editor for Google Contacts is now installed in your Google Account G Suite and you can access it any time by clicking on the App launcher icon as shown in the pictures below.
[Executing the app from the App launcher icon]

Now when you have installed Contact Editor, you can start simplifying your work and enhance efficiency at your workplace.
And if you haven’t started yet - click on the icon below!

* For installing Contact Editor in your browser as an extension, read the installation guide for Google Web Store extension version of Contact Editor.
